This spring I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Justin Kempf, law student at the University of Miami, about the IRS whistleblower program for an academic paper he was writing. That paper, titled the “IRS Whistleblower Office: There is More Work to be,” provides a thorough overview of the origins of the IRS Whistleblower Program, the challenges it faces, and proposals for improvements. While some of the proposals (i.e. reducing or eliminating withholding on whistleblower awards) have been resolved since the time this paper was finalized, it still contains relevant criticisms of the results of the program. Potential whistleblowers would also be well informed by reading about the hurdles and roadblocks that Mr. Kempf found in his research, as well as some of the factors he said to consider when making a claim. Well done.

Lynam Knott