
Tax Court Protects Identity of Whistleblowers

Judge Kroupa of the U.S. Tax Court issued three memorandum opinions on Tuesday concerning whether or not the whistleblowers in those cases could proceed anonymously under Rule 345(a).  All three memorandum opinions, T.C. Memo 2014-92, T.C. Memo 2014-93, and T.C....

SOX Protections Expanding for Whistleblowers

There seems to be a trend of interpreting SOX in a way that extends the whistleblower protections to a widening circle of persons. Most recently, a judge in Eastern District of Pennsylvania had allowed a retaliation lawsuit under SOX against non-publicly traded...

IRS Releases New Form 211

The IRS just completely revised the Application for Reward for Original Information, better known to us as Form 211.  The procedures for filing the Form 211 have changed as well.  The revised and significantly expanded Form 211, attached at the bottom of...

Study Finds Many Big Companies Pay Zero Tax

Citizens for Tax Justice just published a thought provoking five-year tax study of U.S. multinationals, as covered in an article today by Thomas Reuters journalists Kevin Drawbaugh and Patrick Temple-West.  The study, which sampled 288 Fortune 500 companies,...

Exhibit IBM: Using Tax Havens to Manage Corporate Earnings

Bloomberg reporters Alex Barinka and Jesse Drucker just wrote an interesting article about how one large multinational is using its tax haven structures, which are typically put in place to supercharge foreign earnings by moving them to low tax jurisdictions through...

The Ferraro Law Firm recent office moves.

In case you haven’t checked out our firm’s tax or main websites lately you may not be aware that we’ve moved into new offices in both Washington DC and in Miami FL.  We are pleased to announce that we have relocated both offices to the...

Lynam Knott