GE in the Spotlight for Earning $14 Billion But Paying Zero U.S. Taxes
An article on the cover of the March 25, 2011, edition of the New York Times caught our attention. New York Times Columnist David Kocieniewski’s front-page article, notably titled, G.E.’s Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether, describes how...
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Tax Analysts Blog
Paul Caron’s TaxProf Blog
Final Regulations for Information Sharing With Whistleblowers are Issued Despite the IRS’s Refusal to Enter Into Such Agreements.
Treasury Regulations for section 6103(n), Disclosure of Return Information in Connection with Written Contracts Among the IRS, Whistleblowers, and Legal Representatives of Whistleblowers, were finalized today. The finalized regulations are essentially what were...
How to Handle an IRS Whistleblower Award Determination
The first tax whistleblower award payments under the enhanced provisions of section 7623(b) are imminent, likely within the next couple months or sooner. It’s been a long time coming, but some whistleblowers are finally going to be awarded for turning in...
IRS Announces a New Initiative to Disclose Offshore Bank Accounts May Not Have a Large Impact
The IRS has announced its second special voluntary disclosure initiative for U.S. taxpayers with unreported foreign bank accounts. The new program, called the 2011 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative (OVDI) is not to be confused with the first disclosure...
Tax Racing Team
In the past some people have asked me “What does a tax lawyer do for fun, sharpen pencils?” While I enjoy grinding lead as much as the next person, I prefer burning rubber. As the driver for the CodeBlue/ Racing Team, I...
How to Maximize Tax Whistleblower Award Payments
The IRS can now pay big rewards - from 15 up to 30 percent of amounts collected - to tax whistleblowers for providing information about underpayments of tax. Nearly every tax whistleblower is concerned with maximizing the percentage of the award. So how do...
Uncertain Tax Positions Open the Door for Tax Whistleblowers
A recent article in the NY Times caught our attention because it describes how many of the S&P 500 companies are drastically reducing their US taxes. Columnist David Leonhardt also discusses this issue in the Economix blog. The story relates to the low...
The Importance of Judicial Review for Whistleblower Award Determinations
One of the biggest improvements the 2006 amendments made to the IRS Whistleblower program was providing the right to appeal an award determination for claims that meet the requirements for the enhanced award provisions, mainly that the amount in controversy is more...
New Opportunities for Tax Whistlebowers Signaled in IRS Whistleblower Office’s Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report to Congress
On December 13, 2010, the IRS Whistleblower Office published its annual report to Congress for fiscal year 2009 (PDF). The report revealed that the IRS Whistleblower Office has received a steady stream of information about multi-million dollar tax underpayments over...