The IRS released the IRS Whistleblower Program Fiscal 2016 Annual Report to Congress recently. There were some interesting statistical revelations, some surprising and some not.  Among the more important, if not surprising, takeaways was the fact that nearly 60% of all cases are rejected for not being specific, credible, or for being too speculative.  Getting over this hurdle should be the number one goal of all IRS whistleblowers.  The best way to get over that hurdle is to have experienced tax lawyers working for you.  We have over a hundred billion dollars in active submissions to the IRS.  I have only seen one case where one of our submissions was initially rejected for being perceived as too speculative and we got the IRS to reconsider that position. 

A surprise from the 2016 report was that we represented nearly a quarter of all 7623(b) awards made by the IRS last year.  We are proud to be seeing success for our clients and happy to see the IRS recognizing the important contribution made by whistleblowers.

Lynam Knott